Thursday, 22 December 2016

Nothing Beats Outdoor Christmas Lights in the Snow

It turns out that one of my very favourite things about the Christmas season are Christmas lights.  And Christmas lights in the snow are even better.

This is the front lawn tree I decorate.  It looks good normally, but with snow, it looks like a Christmas card.

How about this arty little number?  I had such fun taking these pictures.

When I look back at the Christmas activities I drag my family too, about a third of them involve outdoor Christmas lights.

I've already raved about the Lighted Truck Parade.  Then there was the Van Dusen Botanical Gardens Festival of Lights.

I could put you in a serious coma with all the glorious pictures I have of the Van Dusen Lights.

Okay, last one...

And if that didn't fulfill your outdoor Christmas light needs, I dragged the family to a new light exhibit called Enchant

No idea who the woman is in the forefront of this picture.

This was some serious illumination.

And we still haven't piled into the car, picked up some KFC, blared Christmas music and driven around town checking out all the spectacularly lit homes in town.  But we've still got some time, because if there's one thing this family needs its more outdoor Christmas light exposure.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Thank God for Marnie's Craft Studio

I lead a Beaver Scout Colony.  And when I need a craft for said Beavers, one of my 'ace in the holes' is Marnie.  This year I came to her with the idea that I would get the kids to make a Christmas card for a loved one of their choice.  We'd focus on the message and then they'd get 20 minutes to decorate it.

The prep this involved was enormous.

For 2 hours we cut out disks and snowflakes, and more snowflakes, and Marnie used her magic machines to create "Merry Christmas" and character cut-outs.

I get impatient with this level of detail.  But Marnie talked me down off the ledge.  And showed me how to use these fabulous snowflake and circle punches while calmly running off die cut cut outs.

It was a master class in scrap-booking.   Anything I needed, Marnie had it in a drawer, on a shelf, or on a counter. 

I came equipped with paper and she turned it into creative choices I had to pull the beavers away from. They could have decorated a thousand cards. It was magic.  And every kid's card, no matter how enthusiastic they were with the glue, or adding details, had a unified feel, which made them work.

This was my son's finished card to his brother. Worth every minute with the snowflake punch.  Marnie you are truly the best!

Lights! And Trucks!

This weekend was our Christmas kickoff and we headed over to Victoria to watch the Island Equipment Owners Association Christmas Truck Convoy.

Otherwise known as the Truck Light Parade.  This is one of my FAVOURITE activities of the season. I originally started going because I had a little guy who loved trucks.  Now, I go because this is one of the most fabulous Christmas celebrations ever.

These people covered their trucks in Christmas lights. Completely covered.  I can't even imagine the effort this takes.  It's such a magnificent sight to behold.  Remember the goose bumps you used to get watching that Coke commercial with all the decorated trucks?

Well this is even better.  They are right up close, rumbling by, and the lights are so bright.

A truck convoy is pretty cool on it's own.  Now watch it at night; when each truck is coated in Christmas lights and you'll have enough energy and inspiration to enjoy every single crazy moment of the Christmas season.

Thank you Island Equipment Owners Association for a wonderful experience.  You guys did an outstanding job and it was so much fun to watch.