It all started last year. My youngest wanted homemade valentine's cards for his class. He was very specific. He wanted a cupcake card with a valentine theme. I just looked at him because my brain does not function that way. But do you know who's brain totally functions that way? Marn's! So last year he got exactly what he wished for. And you are in luck because I saved one of the prototypes so you can see how fantastic her execution of my son's vision was.
This year a request was placed for a heart with a cupid arrow and the tip of the arrow needed to be a chocolate heart. So off to Marnie's house I went...
In my totally illiterate way, using basic props, I tried to explain what I'd gleaned from my son's description. And I loved Marnie's valentine stamp and wanted to incorporate it some how.
Marnie noodled on the computer for a couple of minutes and then found a perfect design.
I took one look and wanted to leave,
Marnie has this machine that she programs to cut. I sound remedial but I do not craft. I watch. In total amazement, Marn got this thing to cut perfect hearts.
Pretty cool. "How many do you need?" she asked. And as I stammered out "24" the silhouette machine whirred and away she went.
I knew this project was going to turn out well when I saw that look. Marn's delight is so contagious. I have no idea what magic she was working but I knew it would be fantastic. Plus she let me sit across from her with a camera and snap away. So FUN!
Pure creative genius! |
Once the hearts were all cut out, Marn made the fletching end of the arrow by hand. Grabbed some scissors and this vicious looking mini exacto knife and went to town.
At the end of the day, all that was left to do was assemble. I took a break to go skiing with the family and shop for my eldest's bake sale project. (that's an entire blog post in itself.)
Finally, I sat down and got to work. I have no grace when using my hands for fine detail work. I struggle mightily to get this tab to fit into that slot. There was a lot of muttering, some words I'm afraid I can't repeat floated over this project and my eldest got chewed out for teasing his brother - but really he was in the wrong place at the wrong time - I just needed to yell.
In the end the requisite number of valentine's day cards were assembled. Turns out I only needed 18. Don't tell Marn.
All that was left to do was personalize them. Marnie's talent strikes again. My son and I are so, so grateful.