Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate!

I've just spent the last three weeks purposefully and mindlessly consuming chocolate.  The Easter bunny was very generous this year.  It got so bad that I sent my husband off to work this morning with a grocery bag full of it.  Because if it stayed in the house it would end up on my butt.

It turns out that I have chocolate opinions.  The best chocolate can be found at Rogers' Chocolates,  It's not cheap but it is delicious.  Their milk chocolate is the best.

Followed by Purdy's tied with Laura Secord,

 We usually get a lot of Purdy's at our house.  It's the go to chocolatier in these parts,  plus it's a fund raising staple at the kids schools.

I have a very vivid memory of watching my mother thinly slice a Laura Secord egg.  These are big, and so tasty.  This was a highlight of my childhood egg hunts.  You can't find Laura Secord chocolate as readily as Purdy's especially on the west coast.

And then if you want to spend less, Cadbury is an excellent option.

I believe that Cadbury rivals Purdy's.  Cadbury can usually be found in my mouth when I am stressed or am looking to calm down.

Surprisingly, it turns out that.I can't get enough of these kit kat miniatures.  Marn and I made a special trip to Target to look at their Easter wares and found these bad boys.  I'm really glad they aren't available in my neck of the woods.  They are like Ruffles sour cream and onion potato chips.  I stop eating them when the bag is empty.

And so ends my chocolate recommendations.   Easter is the chocolate culmination of a year of holidays (If your year starts in October.)  Now we are on a chocolate hiatus.  My next chocolate opinion piece will occur just before Halloween.

But I'll leave you with this adorable video the kids' grandmother sent me. Scottish accents SLAY me.

(For more of this adorableness head over to Mark Nelson's Facebook page)

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